More Benefits of losing weight
- Your bones and joints may change. Bone loss can occur during weight loss, but only if you become underweight or adhere to an unhealthy diet. Don’t be afraid – the benefits of weight loss highly outweigh the risk of weakened bones. Yes, it’s true that extra weight can help make our bones stronger. However, excessive weight can deteriorate our joints and increase arthritis symptoms.
- You will save money. People at a healthy weight usually spend less money in medical bills and doctor visits. In some states, healthcare can be higher for those who are obese.
- You may not need certain medications any longer. Keeping a healthy weight decreases your chances of diabetes and heart disease. If you already have these, weight loss can reduce your symptoms as well as the amount of medicine you have to take. It could also decrease the amount of blood pressure medicine and cholesterol medicine. Weight loss can help you manage your type 2 diabetes without daily injections and it can help you control asthma and heartburn.
- You will sleep better. Obesity can cause sleep disorders such as sleep apnea. When you lose weight, however, there’s less present to constrict your breathing pattern and a smaller amount of soft tissue to block the upper airways. Sleeping better helps you burn more body fat, too!
- Your chances of becoming pregnant can improve. Studies in the past have shown that infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with obesity and the younger the female is when she is obese, the more difficulty she will experience in trying to become pregnant. Not only does losing weight increase your chances of having a baby, but it also helps you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
- Your eyesight can improve. In addition to the lovely view of seeing the new you, weight loss can contribute to better vision. Higher body fat percentage is linked to lower levels of lutien and zeaxanthin in retinal tissue, which aids in maintaining the nutritional state of the retina.